Welcome to Hardik ka DICE game

Here are the rules to play the game ( ya yu kahein thoda sa gyan !! )

🎲 This is a 2 Player single device game.
🎲 Active player is shown by the brighter pink colored background.
🎲 The Active player can roll the dice using the "ROLL DICE" button.
🎲 The number on the dice will be added to the current score of the Active player only if the dice does not show up the number "1".
🎲 If the number "1" occurs, you will loose all your current score, and the second player will take their turn.
🎲 To save your current score from returning back to "0", you can click the "HOLD" button, which adds your current score to the total score and change the active player to the other player.
🎲 The number which is shown bigger is the total score and the number shown smaller is the current score.
🎲 The first player to reach 100 points first becomes the winner.

Player 1




Player 2




Playing dice

Enter Player #1 Name:

Enter Player #2 Name: